The World of Grandpa Don

A Feeling of Well Being and Contentment

I have become aware that I am living with a feeling of well being and contentment. It is a wonderful state in which to be.

It is not that I am painless, (I'm not) or have no problems, (I do) but these things do not bother me, ... they are not important. I am sure that recent weight loss has made me feel better. I am also sure that the advent of Spring is a factor. I live in a very comfortable house and feel financially secure, that has to help.

I think though, that this euphoric feeling has more to do with other than physical and material factors. It has more to do with my spirit.

I have a great relationship with God. I have come to realize that God loves me and He always has. Unconditionally and in spite of me! I have, in recent years begun to direct my efforts to thanking Him, by sharing the talents He gave me, with those who need them, through my church. I love doing it and this contributes to the way I feel. I feel very productive working on the St. Julie web site. I get great satisfaction as a facilitator for sessions with new inquirers to the church. I love writing articles for the Sunday bulletin. 

I have a great relationship with my family. It is gratifying to see the accomplishments of our children and their spouses. It is a family of sharing and love with lots of (((HUGS))). They carry the values that were important to Anne and I. We are buoyed up by them.

And, ... their children are the greatest of our children's accomplishments! They carry the important values in life as they grow "in wisdom and understanding".  Each of our nine grandchildren generate a feeling of pride in me that is unbounded! I take some credit, give a lot to Anne, more to their parents, but most of it to God.

To add to this great feeling within me, is the satisfaction I  get in building and adding to these web pages. I do it in the hope that someone will read something that will bring them closer to someone, more understanding of their fellow man and more understanding of themselves. I strive to take the positive side and avoid being anti-anything. In doing this, my attitude and understanding of humanity has been changed in a positive way.

As a result of what I have experienced at church and with family and friends, I have tried to develop a non-judgmental attitude and it has done wonders for me. I try to "be nicer than I need to be" and it comes back doubled. I have tried to live like a Christian. It works!

If there is a void in my life, it is the loss of Anne. There isn't a day that I don't wish she was here to be hugged. But I am grateful for the years we were together. Her influence on me is astounding! So much so, that she left me with a feeling of ... well being and contentment.

Don Plefka

Also see I'm Having the Time of My Life
And ...... He Made Me Whole



Thoughts About ...
Our Relationship with Ourselves

A Feeling of Well Being and Contentment

The World of Grandpa Don 

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