Grandpa Don's World
On February 7, 2002
was invested into ...
The Order
of St Isidore of Seville

Donald J. Plefka, KStI

St Isidore of Seville
On November 30, 2005
I was promoted to ...

KCStI with Knights Award
On September
27, 2007
I was promoted to ...

Knight Grand Officer
And appointed
At-Large Priory Commander

Order of Merit III
On January 1, 2010
the title of
Venerable Knight was conferred. |
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aims of the order are:
the beginning of Christ's Third Millennium.
St Isidore of
Seville as the Patron Saint of the Internet.
the ideals of Christian Chivalry through the medium of the Internet.
Order makes no claims of antiquity nor does it have endless lists of protocols.
Simply, it aims to instill in its members a Chivalric
Code so as to be conscious of their duties as Christians and as Knights
or Dames of the Order and so use the Internet in an appropriate manner. To that
end the Order aims to provide them with the mental and spiritual armor to help
claim the Internet for Christ.

Motto of the order is:
Vince Malum
Overcome Evil with Good
these aims of the order fit so well into my ideals and the purpose of my web
site, and after investigating the structure of the order, I immediately applied
to them for admission. The prime requirement for admission is the belief in the Nicene
Creed. My knighthood was granted. Their website includes the Knight's Chapel
which features the prayers of the hours. It is interesting to note that St.
Julie's pastor, Fr. Steve Lanza would like to institute at our parish the
practice of Morning Prayer, which is part of the Prayer of the

before using the Internet:
and eternal God,
has created us in Thy image
bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful,
in the divine person
Thy only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
we beseech Thee that,
the example of Saint Isidore, bishop and doctor,
our journeys through the internet
will direct our hands and eyes
to that which is pleasing to Thee
treat with charity and patience
those souls whom we encounter.
Christ our Lord. Amen.
A Code of Chivalry
Modern, based on the "Old Code"

Click on sir Knight ... he will lead
your quest.

About St Isidore of Seville
Church celebrates scholar-bishop St. Isidore of Seville on April 4 By
Benjamin Mann
St. Isidore of Seville
Denver, Colo., Apr 1, 2012 /
06:01 am (_CNA/EWTN News_ (
).- On April 4 the Catholic Church honors Saint Isidore of Seville, a bishop and
scholar who helped the Church preserve its own traditions, and the heritage
of western civilization, in the early middle ages. In 653, less
than two decades after his death, a council of bishops in Spain acclaimed St.
Isidore as “an illustrious teacher of our time and the glory of the Catholic
Church.” He is regarded as being among the last of the early Church Fathers, who
combined Christian faith and classical education. Isidore was born in
Cartagena, Spain, in approximately 560. Three of his siblings – his brothers
Leander and Fulgentius, who became bishops, and his sister Florentina, a nun
– were later canonized as saints along with him. As the Archbishop of Seville,
Leander was an important influence on his younger brother, helping Isidore
develop a commitment to study, prayer, and intense work for the good of
the Church. Isidore, in turn, joined his brother's mission to convert the
generally heretical Visigoths who had invaded Spain.
When St. Leander
died around the year 600, his brother succeeded him as Seville's archbishop.
Isidore inherited his brother's responsibility for Church affairs in an
intense period of change, as the institutions of the Western Roman Empire gave
way to the culture of the barbarian tribes. For the good of the Church and
civilization, Isidore was determined to preserve the wisdom and knowledge of the
past, maintaining the fruitful synthesis of classical Roman culture and
Christian faith. He was also intent on preventing false teachings from
shattering the unity of the Church in Spain. Responsible above all for the
good of the Church, Isidore also sought the common good by encouraging study and
development in areas such as law, medicine, foreign languages, and
philosophy. He compiled the “Etymologiae,” the first encyclopedia written from a
Catholic perspective. Under Isidore's leadership, a series of local councils
solidified the orthodoxy of the Spanish Church against errors about Christ and
the Trinity. Systematic and extensive education of the clergy was stressed
as a necessary means of guarding the faithful against false doctrine.
Prolific in his writings and and diligent in governing the Church, Isidore did
not neglect the service of those in need. “Indeed, just as we must love God in
contemplation, so we must love our neighbor with action,” he declared. “It is
therefore impossible to live without the presence of both the one and the other
form of life, nor can we live without experiencing both the one and the
other.” In the last months of his life, the Isidore offered a moving testament
to these words, intensifying his charitable outreach to the poor. Crowds of
people in need flocked to his residence from far and wide, as the bishop offered
his final works of mercy on earth. St. Isidore of Seville died on April 4 of the
year 636. Later named a Doctor of the Church, he was more recently proposed as a
patron saint of Internet users, because of his determination to use the world's
accumulated knowledge for the service of God's glory. _
-isidore-of-seville-on-April-4_ (

Knight Grand Officer
Order of St. Isidore of Seville
Recipients of The Knights Award
Rev. Joshua Copeland
Rev. Stefan Pieksma
Chev. Don Plefka |
Order of Merit
Order of St. Isidore of Seville

Priory Comander
Order of St. Isidore of Seville

Venerable Knight
01 January 2010
"Venerable: calling forth respect through age,
character, and attainments". I am indeed honored
and humbled by this recognition and take it as a sign
that I am doing what God would want me to do and that is
to use whatever talents and abilities He has given me to
be a worker in building His Kingdom. I enlisted in the
Order of St Isidore of Seville because it espoused a
noble cause, not for titles or honors but these are
humbly accepted as a mark of recognition that I am doing
what I should be doing. There is no doubt that at 78 I
qualify to the "Age" requirement. I have always tried my
best to be of good "character", honest, truthful and
maintaining high moral standards. If one is to be "a
light to the world" as directed by Jesus, and this I
believe to be our reason for being here, good character
is a basic requirement. My "attainments" or
accomplishments are not grand in scale nor are they
spectacular in any way, but mainly consist in what I put
on these pages. These pages are, by the way, shared with
the members of the Order. If they are recognized as
special in any way it is only that it takes a little
bravery to put ones self in opposition to the common or
normal way of things and espouse the noble cause ...
truth, love, respect and charity. But it is something
that anyone can do and I claim no extraordinary talent
for it. It may be that "age" is a great help here in
that I am near, or maybe at, the point when no mortal
foe can hurt me.
And so it is with humble gratitude that I accept
this honor and with pride that I join the other ten
ladies and gentlemen having been so honored. May
we succeed in being role models for others both within
the order and to those outside. We do what we do not for
our personal aggrandizement but to be a light and
example to those who see what we do and hope to have
them follow by leading others in God's way.
Chev. Donald J Plefka,
KGOStI, OMStl At-Large Priory Commander