The World of Grandpa Don

. The Growth of a Conscience 

"Conscience is what leads a person to do right. A right conscience is created from the first lessons we learn about right and wrong. If we are never taught those lessons, we fail to develop a conscience. If we are taught them poorly or incompletely, we develop a stunted conscience. If we override our conscience and refuse to obey its inner advice, we develop a hardened conscience, and over time, we will live as if we don't have one. Without a conscience, our lives are lawless, immoral, and tainted - without character." 

These words from God's Little Devotional Book for Men prompted me to think about all those children who are brought up in homes where parents, by their  example, teach greed and selfishness. Anything is OK if you don't get caught. And if caught, shift the blame or lie to 'beat the rap'. 

Parents who start to worry about the activities of their children and their morals when they become teens have missed the boat. It is too late!  If parents live lives that reflect morality, kindness towards each other and love, when their children are infants, good consciences will be formed in them. A good conscience is not taught, it is grown and nurtured from the earliest years of a child. The teacher can not say "Do this" while displaying contradictory behavior and expect to get good results. 

I thank God for giving me parents who, by their example, taught me well. I look at our children and grandchildren and consider our parenthood a success.


Thoughts About ...
God, Religion, and Church

God and the Holy Spirit

The Growth of a Conscience

Don Plefka

The World of Grandpa Don 
God, Religion, and Church

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