The World of Grandpa Don


I know how they feel

Back when I was in the navy, I went to a Saturday afternoon movie it a town near the navy base. I was in uniform and as I left the theater, a little girl, probably about 8 years old was walking in and would have passed within a few feet of me. Suddenly, another, about 11 or 12, ran to her, and pulled her away shouting, "Get away from him! ... He's a SAILOR!" 

Guilt by association! Or just a mistrust of an entire group due to the actions or reputations of a few. Many priests are feeling the same reaction that I did so many years ago. 

When that happened to me, I wanted to just disappear. I felt that everyone was looking at me. I felt that I would be stoned if there were any stones around.

Some priests have sinned. They have betrayed a great trust given to them and because of this their sin is even greater and it tarnishes their fellow religious. Other evils have resulted from their transgressions. When members of a group fall, the first reaction of the leadership is to try to protect the group. This applies to police departments, political parties, and organizations of every kind. Bury the problem and pretend it doesn't exist is the first order of business. The church is no different. 

These same reactions apply to governments, government agencies, political organizations, businesses and social groups of all kinds. Police and prosecutors refuse to admit errors when there is the possibility that innocent people are convicted of crimes. Governments wage war rather than admit to error. Businesses deny knowledge of problems and claim to have no responsibility for mistakes. This is wrong! It is worse than wrong, it is stupid! My boss and mentor at Kelso-Burnett Co, Harold Roberts, told me that when (not if) I make a mistake, the first thing to do is admit it and seek help. Help will be there for me, not condemnation. That has been good advice to this day.

We are often guilty of the basic flaw of "Guilt by Association". We as individuals, apply guilt to an organization or group based on the evil actions of individuals. How does a black person feel when snubbed? How does a person in Middle Eastern clothing feel when avoided? How does an Anderson employee feel when his customer cancels his account. How does a priest feel when another pedophile priest is denounced? And, ... how does a sailor feel when a girl drags her little sister out of his path?

I know how they feel, and I will never forget it. 

Don Plefka


Thoughts About ...
God, Religion, and Church

God and the Holy Spirit

I know how they feel

Don Plefka

The World of Grandpa Don 
God, Religion, and Church

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