The World of Grandpa Don


Chose Love

Nothing that comes into our lives justifies hatred. Hatred festers within us and corrupts us to the point of becoming more evil than that which initiated it. 

God is love. We were created in love and thrive on love. In times of distress we can not always love that which hurts us but in remembering that God loves us, the hurt can be overcome. 

All hurt is the result of the loss of something. If a loss has occurred in our lives we can thank God for giving, for a time, that which was lost. We realize that nothing on earth is for ever, not even life itself. 

Many have been taught not to show our loving nature, particularly men.

 We have been conditioned to be tough, macho, and strong. We are taught that to show love is to be soft and that is for weaklings. But it takes real strength to overcome this conditioning and be a person of love. 

Like everything else, love is a quality that is more evident in some. In all of us it can be brought to the surface, nurtured, and become dominant. It brings with it much reward as it is given and received. The more we give of love the greater it grows. 

So let us look for the opportunity to love and be a loving person. It starts with the little things and it grows within, bringing peace in our hearts. 

... Chose Love

Don Plefka


Thoughts About ...

How we chose to live our lives


Chose Love

Don Plefka

The World of Grandpa Don 

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