The World of Grandpa Don


Chose Gentleness

Gentleness and Kindness go hand in hand. So, not to be gentle is to be unkind. Being a gentleman or a Lady is a message to others that we are reasonable and non threatening. It shows consideration of others and a loving nature.

No argument is won by being demanding and violent, but gentle persuasion often wins the point. Some believe that being course and rough is a sign of strength. That may intimidate some at times but it usually gives the impression of a poor  education and bad character.

Genuine politeness, on the other hand, is a sign of a person who cares about the feelings and well-being of those with whom they interact. It inspires confidence and trust. 

We should raise our voices only in praise, never in derision. Even animals respond to gentleness in a positive way. It is an instinctive reaction for them as it is with us. Fear of violence may produce temporary submission but never results in trust or conversion to another's point of view. 

Chivalry is not dead. Have the strength to be a Gentleman or a Lady, ... a Gentleperson.

Make demands only on ourselves, not others. Treat others with deference and respect.  Respond to the gentleness of others in kind. Respond to the roughness of others with gentleness. Lead others up, do not be dragged down.

Chose Gentleness ...

Don Plefka


Thoughts About ...

How we chose to live our lives


Chose Gentleness

Don Plefka

The World of Grandpa Don 

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