The World of Grandpa Don


Perpetuation of Stereotypes
and other abominations.

I received a "cute" email from a friend, at least I found most of it cute. But there were three items that, well, ... rubbed me the wrong way. (There was actually a fourth but I don't want to go into the last one.) So, I got up on my soap box (I always keep it handy) and sent back a message, which, in part, follows:

Cute ... but ... 

The problem with generalizations and the support of stereotyping is ...

EVANGELIST: When you rearrange the letters: EVIL'S AGENT 
Yes I know this really refers to right wing fanatical evangelists, but.. The Church of Vatican II emphasizes the evangelistic nature of the church. We are called by baptism to bring others to Christ. Check out the "Welcome" page of the St. Julie web site. (Get there from the "Information" page.) Are we EVIL? 

DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT Suicide is not the answer to anything.  Do we want to put this into the mind of a desperate teen or anyone else for that matter? 

MOTHER-IN-LAW: When you rearrange the letters: WOMAN HITLER
My Mother-in law was the greatest. I am also sure that my two daughters-in-law and son-in-law would say the same of Anne. My sons love their mother-in-laws and so does my daughter.

To which, my friend replied (in part):

I agree with some of your observations but I generally do not censor that which I do not 100% agree with - this is the Great Amalgamation of Competition of people, thoughts and philosophical ideas - called the USA.

And, my reply to his reply:

You make some good points ....

However, I do not feel obligated to perpetuate a concept with which I do not agree. To do so would imply my agreement with it and work to defeat my own viewpoint in the competition of which you speak. 

On the contrary, I feel obligated NOT to put my endorsement on concepts which are contrary to my goals, which are to do all I can to raise myself to a higher level of the human state and, If I can, drag a few others up with me.

My further thoughts on the email exchanges:

When I think about my reactions to some of these situations, I  sometimes worry that my friends will think I am being "holier than thou" and unrealistic in my zeal to strive toward a perfect world.

For most of my life that didn't concern me because I was part of the crowd and delighted in having a laugh at the expense of others or putting down those who's views were not the same as mine. I was part of the crowd, never "pretending" to be better than anyone else. I didn't make waves. Then recently, "I got Religion", literally and actually.

The age old question is, "What is the meaning of life?" Jesus gave us the answer but few see it. I didn't! I freely confess to being imperfect. But I have come to believe that the reason we are here is to strive for perfection. If this is so, how can we settle for mediocrity?  How can we say that the status quo is good enough. I can not anymore! I know that being imperfect, I will have failures but I will not just say oh, that's OK, everyone is doing it.

And so, I will try as best I can to promote the noble course of action, take the high road, if you will. And, ... I WILL NOT BE ASHAMED OF IT. It is not a matter of being better than someone else, it is a matter of being the human that God intended, one who tries to raise himself and others above the low standards that have been set by others.

This is the choice I have made. I hope I can stand by it.
And, I invite you to join me, ... and be better than me!

************ That was to be the end of this dissertation, but ....

That evening I watched "Gentleman's Agreement", the 1947 award winning movie on anti-Semitism. It was one of my NetFlix DVD rentals. A major point in the movie was that many who consider themselves to be free of anti-Semitism actually are guilty of it by their inaction and toleration of those actively engaged in the evil.

Wow! On the one hand, I felt supported in my zeal to refuse to promulgate the mistakes of others. On the other hand, I was not confronting the wrongs. Was I not doing my utmost to defeat evil ways? Should I be out there, joining in marches and picketing and chanting? That is not my style! I don't do that! What am I to do?

************ That was to be another end of this dissertation, but ....

After Mass on Sunday, I read the parish Bulletin and an article based on the readings of the day. One sentence in particular caught my eye. "Whenever we reproach the wicked, the two sides grow further apart." I always knew that confrontation results in the two parties putting up their defenses, strengthening their resolve, and pushing them further apart. I felt better.

I am now back in my "comfort Zone". I do not need to be an activist but I will do my part in building the Kingdom by quietly refusing to perpetuate evil and mistakes. I will be the best person I can be and know that by my example, others will be led to do likewise.

I will be an Evangelist, by being a witness to the teachings of Jesus.
I will promote "a life of faith" to replace desperation.
I will look for the good in all people and avoid stereotyping any one or group.

And, I will try to be nicer than I need to be to everyone I Meet.

************** This is the beginning of this story.

Don Plefka


Thoughts About ...

How we chose to live our lives


Perpetuation of Stereotypes
and other abominations.

Don Plefka

The World of Grandpa Don 

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