The World of Grandpa Don


Going Back

You are on a web page and the "BACK" button won't work. It may be that you arrived using a link that opened a new copy of your browser in a new window, in which case you simply close the window. (The X in the upper right corner)  

It may be that the web site has you trapped by disabling the "Back" feature so it doesn't work. Or, even if it does,  maybe you would like to go back several pages. There is a way!

Between the "Back" button and the "Forward" arrow there is a small downward pointing black triangle. Click it and you will open a drop down list of recent pages. Click on the one to which you would like to return.

You say you want to go back further! Click on the "History" button. It's the one with the sun dial. It won't tell you the date of the Battle of Hastings but it will tell you which web pages you have visited today, yesterday, last Tuesday. or last week. Click on any one of them and go there. 

If your spouse or kids use the same computer, and don't sign on with different passwords, you can see the sites that they visited too! Interesting!


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Going Back

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