The World of Grandpa Don


A NEW Pop-Up Killer & A Password Organizer.

My DSL provider recommended a Pop-Up killer that had the advantage that it enabled you to specify web sites that would be allowed to have additional windows open unimpeded.

 This is a very useful feature because some of the sites I use regularly open new windows for information and other purposes. In this web site, I use this feature for 'thumbnails' and in links to other sites.  

So, I have installed the Pop-Up killer from: PanicWare 
It is free! 

(See Pop-Up Ads !! GONE !! below)

When I went to their web site, I found "Passphrase Keeper", a simple to use place which keeps all my User ID's and Passwords all in one place and all securely hidden under one password. I am trying it for 30 days - free - but I am sure I am going to purchase it. 

Giving away the Pop-Up Killer worked. It led me to another of their products that I am willing to pay money for.

In the last several days I have made use of it several times.

As I revise this page in Jan, 2006 I no longer use DSL but have a cable modem and I use the pop-up killer provided by Norton along with other services. I am still using the Passphrase Keeper and could not live without it.


Computing & Email

Surfing the Web

A NEW Pop-Up Killer
& A Password Organizer.

The World of Grandpa Don 

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