The World of Grandpa Don

Can I interest you in a stripper?

No, I definitely am not pushing porn sites. But I recently received an email forwarded to me by Bob Lewis that concluded with the following:

This email was cleaned by emailStripper, available for free from 

I now have a shortcut to EmailStripper on my desktop and use it often. As you know I keep preaching to my friends to clean up the many messages that they get prior to forwarding them. So many arrive with ">>>>>" all over them and they are very difficult to read.  Up 'till now, it was a tedious and time consuming job to eliminate this trash. 

With this handy little utility, you highlight the message and copy and paste it into the Email Stripper. click on "Strip it" and press "Copy". A neat copy of the message is now on your clip board. Now you can open a NEW email, address it to your friends and press ctrl V to paste the message.

Did you see the message, "... available for FREE ..."?
I  use it to clean up articles for my "Sharing" pages as well as for emails. 

So, if you care enough to send your friends easy to read 'forwards', use the Stripper and send a NEW email so they don't need to drill down through a bunch of forwards only to find an unreadable gem of wisdom or humor. 

Be more kind than you need to be ...
and let it start with your email. 


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  Can I interest you in a stripper?

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