The World of Grandpa Don


The deaf one. ...

In another tail by Gibran, "She who Was Deaf", we hear of a rich man who had a young wife who was  deaf. One day she complained that there were beautiful clothes for sale in the market but hers were shabby. The husband told her that there was no reason she could not buy new clothes but she only understood no. When she cried, he gave her money so she could buy  new clothes. From that day, whenever she wanted something, she would go to him with a tear in her eye and he would give her money. The young wife eventually fell in love with a young man who traveled much and. whenever he was away, she would cry. And whenever she cried, the rich husband gave her money.

When I recently re-read "She who Was Deaf", I thought of how Anne would complain at times about our relationship. "If I loved her more, I would do something about it." My response, most often, was to remind her how hard I worked for her and the children. I would tell her that she had a nice house and was better off than a lot of people. I  was away a lot and when I came home I was tired. I was doing it all for her!

I was the truly deaf one, just like the rich man in Gibran's parable. We try to substitute things for love and affection. We are deaf to the cry for tenderness and consideration. Now, I tell my friends "Hug your wife". 

Grandpa Don


Thoughts About ...

Our Relationships with Others

The deaf one. ...

The World of Grandpa Don 

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