The World of Grandpa Don


Through the Eyes of a Child

On the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus, Fr. Steve's homily included this true story. As I remember it ...

A mother and child were in a large toy store. As they turned into an isle, the mother saw a bearded man in a wheel chair. He must have been in a terrible accident because both legs were gone and his beard did not hide the terrible scars on his face. 

The child, also saw him and loudly said, "mom, look at that man!" As she whispered to him not to point and be so rude, the child broke away and ran to the man. In awe, he asked, "where did you get that great ear ring?" The man beamed with joy and the two talked about the unusual jewelry that fascinated the youngster.

"This is my Son, my Child, in whom I am well pleased." was the message of the homily and Fr. Steve put the two together very well.  Where the mother saw tragedy and ugliness, her son did not. He saw the beauty of the ear ring and in doing so brought smiles to the heart of his new friend.

We firmly believe that wisdom comes with age. But with age we often loose the vision of the child. We find ourselves seeing only the ugly side of things and often miss the beauty and the love.

Unless you become as little children, ... 

Grandpa Don


Thoughts About ...

Our Relationships with Others

Through the Eyes of a Child

The World of Grandpa Don 

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