The World of Grandpa Don


Gross Selfishness

While at the doctor's office recently, a mature man came in, looked at the sign in sheet and said, "I'm here to see doctor Schiappa". He was politely told to sign in. He then pulled  out a chair and sat down to write his name. When finished, he pushed the chair back into the aisle, got up and left it there. He then sat down in a chair along the wall and crossed his legs in such a way that the aisle was completely blocked. Soon a nurse came by and stopped to move the chair from the middle of the aisle and maneuvered around the man's foot. 

This is a prime example of gross selfishness. There was no  malice in his actions, just completely thoughtless of others. I feel sorry for his friends (if he has any) and family. If he can't be thoughtful in the little things, how can he be thoughtful about anything.

Now, he may have been upset about a medical condition or may have other worries too. But I have found that when you go out of the way to be nice to people, it makes you feel better yourself. Making a habit of being thoughtful is just that, a habit. I becomes YOU! And, it is still the way you act when something is bothering you.

This little experience has made me even more determined to ...

... Be nicer than I need to be.

Grandpa Don


Thoughts About ...

Our Relationships with Others

Gross Selfishness

The World of Grandpa Don 

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