The World of Grandpa Don

A Memorial and a Legacy

Today I watched the memorial service which was held honoring the seven astronauts who were killed in the tragic destruction of the Challenger space shuttle. It was a moving experience involving hymns, prayers and tributes to the people who perished so suddenly and so close to being safely home.

The one thing that struck me was the "Oneness" on this crew and the entire team of people who support them. It was a diverse group of individuals, from different backgrounds, nationalities, religions and races. Yet they had a bond that held them together in not only a cooperative purpose, but a loving family atmosphere. 

Those who knew them spoke of them in glowing terms but they did not dwell on their many career accomplishments. They spoke of their humanity, their love of family and their relationship with others. This is, after all, what is important in our lives. 

We may not all be rocket scientists, brain surgeons, or leaders of commerce. But we all can, if we chose, be heroes in our relationships with our fellow humans and in the eye of God. This is the message I received from these men and women. It is their legacy to their children and all who follow.

In our diversity we can be one.

Don Plefka
Tuesday, February 4, 2003


Thoughts About ...

Our Relationships with Others

A Memorial and a Legacy

The World of Grandpa Don 

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