The World of Grandpa Don

The Catholic Choice

The Choice against Murder

As the United States campaign for the Presidency progresses in 2008 my good friend Bob Lewis sent an email with a commentary on Obama's voting record on various abortion issues. I invite you, no ... plead with you, to read A Catholic Case Against Barack,  by Patrick J. Buchanan .  

As you probably know, I am a former inconveniently conceived and unwanted fetus. I feel very strongly that had the laws of the land and the the self centered attitudes that Barack Obama and his kind are promoting had been in vogue in the early 30's, I may not have been born. I may have been murdered (yes that is the correct term) before drawing a breath, or as Obama and his kind would have it , even after I had drawn several breaths. That I was inconveniently conceived and unwanted  is a fact of life and not a condemnation of my parents. It happens in the best of families. But it is also a fact that there was a high regard for the life that was conceived and care was taken to see that I survived and was placed in the care of a family which wanted to have a family but otherwise could not. In my opinion, this action on the part of my mother was the greatest possible expression of love, the love of life when that life would disrupt her own.  I am eternally grateful and love her for it. She is my Hero. Obama on the other hand, advocates the pandering to the most base and selfish act that a person can take, the heartless and cruel murder of the most helpless among us just because it presents an inconvenience to us. I invite, no urge, you to read what I have to say about Heroes.

My life is, as you may correctly assume, is very important to me. I believe it to have been very important to my adopted parents and my wife Anne. I also believe it to be profoundly important to my three children, nine grandchildren and in a short time, my great granddaughter. I can only imagine the number of future descendants upon which it will impinge. In addition, I believe my life has been and continues to be a productive one, touching the lives of many others. And ... according to my religious beliefs it will have ramifications that extend into eternity. All that could have been negated by a selfish and heartless act. Barack Obama and his kind would have us desensitize our collective consciousness to the value of life. I could not place my trust in a person demonstrating this callousness. This person is not the one I want to be making the crucial decision of state that face the leader of this or any other nation.

Don Plefka
Aug 12, 2008

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