The World of Grandpa Don

Being Part of the Inner Circle

Every student should read "The Inner Ring" an oration given at King's College, University of London in 1944. On second thought, EVERYONE should read it. This short address warns of trying to become one of the privileged few who are admitted into the inner ring of privileged people. C. S. Lewis tells us that those who make it their goal to gain admission into these Inner Rings (Circles) are doomed to failure because by their entry they diminish the value of the ring. They also find that once inside, the ring has lost it's luster and they will be seeking to satisfy themselves by finding another one. It is like peeling an onion. If you succeed, there will be nothing left.

I like Lewis's definition of a "scoundrel" as one who is an unscrupulous, treacherous, and ruthless egotist. Lewis believes that one who's efforts are directed to becoming members of the Inner Rings gradually slide into being a scoundrel. I was reminded of the statement by W. C. Fields. "I would not join any organization that would accept me as a member."

The complaint is often heard that the organization;, club, church group, and the like, is run by a select group, a clique that won't take suggestions from "outsiders". The fact is that this inner ring of members are the ones who do all the work and they have come to trust each other as good friends by their common interests. They gained membership by proving their intentions and abilities and not by election or campaigning.

Our parish has, I believe, an ideal pastoral organization.  When it was formed under the guidance of Fr. Rich Homa, He had the parish staff form Ministry Boards representing the five aspects of church ministry..The members of the boards were 'discerned' by each ministry from it's members. After prayer and contemplation, willing members whom the fellow members deemed acceptable were appointed to represent the ministry on the board of similar ministries. After all five boards were formed, a similar discernment was held and two persons from each board were appointed to the Pastoral Council which advises the pastor in pastoral matters. No campaigning ... no elections. The ones who have the ear of the pastor are the ones who share their time and talent and do the work  That is, I believe, how the inner ring should work.

We are social beings and in our very nature to want to "belong" with others. Many mistakenly believe that this "belonging" attributes power and prestige to it's members. They seek to be admitted by any means possible. We find this in the disadvantaged and uneducated youth when artificial groups, "gangs" are formed by individuals seeking to belong to something ... anything ... which they believe attributes power to its members. This is one of the prime examples of the making of "scoundrels".

This same situation is the cause of corruption in otherwise good organizations. Individuals who see membership in the inner circle as a source of power, manage to penetrate it, possibly due to like minded people already inside. Corruption feeds on itself and festers into a greater evil. Again, the result is "scoundrels" and the fruit of their kind. We have seen corporations fail because of these people who have placed power and personal wealth above moral values. We see all kinds of unscrupulous actions by companies who are driven by this devil.

We do find ourselves in small groups of  co-workers, friends or people of like interests and this is good because the exclusivity is a by-product not the goal. When we are generous with out talents and abilities for the betterment of our fellow humans and creation in general, we will find a friendship and acceptance with like minded people. With that comes satisfaction and a happy life. It also leads to appreciation by others and often monetary rewards. We are admired and respected, not because our membership in some inner ring but because of the value we contribute to the common effort.

The secrete is not to envy the successful and try to replace them by whatever means available but to admire the truly successful and try to emulate their example. We should not want to seek entrance into the inner ring but we should seek to share our talents and abilities for the betterment of mankind. In succeeding that, we will find ourselves, if we pause to think about it, in the Inner Circle. And ... we will have enjoyed the efforts that brought us there.

Grandpa Don Plefka
© 09/19/2007

I also invite you to read The Secret of Life

Thoughts About ...
Our Relationship with Ourselves

Being Part of the Inner Circle

Don Plefka
© 09/19/2007

The World of Grandpa Don 

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