The World of Grandpa Don

Our Passions

In Maxim #8, BALTHASAR Gracián warns against being passionate. Passion is an emotion and when emotions rule, reason may become it's slave. When we become passionate about something we may become fanatical, excluding all other points of view and considerations.

Sinclair Lewis also warned us of being passionate about a cause, taking the extreme point of view and blinding one to reason. He was referring to those in England who, prior to WWII, preached hatred toward the enemy, advocating an immediate war against Germany. He was also warning against those in his nation who were so passionate about peace that they would have it at any cost. It should be noted that England was not prepared for war and yet could not maintain peace.

In our time, suicide bombers are prime examples of those who are passionate in their beliefs.

And so, I agree with Ron Hartman's comments on Maxim #8, when he advised us to temper our passions with respect for others and their point of view. We can and should be passionate in our convictions regarding virtue and love. But passion, as with anything else is good, ... only in moderation.

Balthasar may have seen passion only in the extreme and so condemned it outright. It is when it becomes an all consuming force that it is dangerous to us. It can exclude all reason and good sense.


Don Plefka


Thoughts About ...
Our Relationship with Ourselves

Our Passions

The World of Grandpa Don 

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