The World of Grandpa Don


So Much More

I look at you and I see a person.

I gaze into your eyes and see so much more.

Not just a color, never just a face,

Or a figure standing across the room.

I look at you and I ask myself the question:

"How could anyone hate you just for being who you are?"


When we see colours in a painting, we embrace it as art.

For some people, the colour of skin

Is not as beautiful as the painting

That hangs on their living room wall.

On the outside we are all different,

But if this entire world would open up,

We would all bleed the same colour and be covered in a shade of red.


So as I look at you, I'm disgusted by this world.

This world that claims everyone is free,

But still the words of discrimination build bars like a prison

Locking us into a life sentence of hate.

Many prisoners have served their time and

As they walk away from their cells,

I hope they see the world like I see you.

I hope they see so much more.


Andrew Hall, Grade 12
St. Mary’s Catholic Secondary School


Poetry of Life

This page includes poetry which, in my view, conveys an important message or meaningful thought.  I want to share these words with you. 

So Much More

Andrew Hall

The World of Grandpa Don 

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