The World of Grandpa Don


The Garden in Our Hearts

Within each of us lies a garden, 
you need only look inside, 
It lies within our hearts 
where love and hope abide. 

It's there in all its splendor 
though some eyes cannot see 
The beauty there within themselves, 
so they choose not to believe. 

But the garden's there, I've seen it 
every time I've witnessed love, 
Every time a heart has reached out 
with compassion from above. 

Each and every act of kindness 
acts of giving, sharing, too,
All represent a flower 
there inside of me and you. 

But each garden must be tended 
it needs love and special care, 
An abundance of pure water 
that is only found in prayer. 

For the Master Gardener knows 
of every heart of every bloom 
And it's His hope and desire
in your garden you've made room, 

So that He may tend the flowers 
and may pull a weed or two, 
For without the Master Gardener 
hearts have flowers, far too few. 

Gina Laurin

Poetry of Life

This page includes poetry which, in my view, conveys an important message or meaningful thought.  I want to share these words with you. 

The Garden in Our Hearts

Gina Laurin

The World of Grandpa Don 

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