The World of Grandpa Don

 Part 2 The Faithful Revolution: Vatican II

Nov.12 was the second in the Video series on Vatican II. John Paul XXIII who had called the Council had died and his successor, Pope Paul VI, picked up where he left off. He increased the number of  representatives of non-Catholic churches who were  invited as 'observers'. However, their input was actively sought and was a constructive part of the proceedings. In addition, to the  lay Catholics, women were invited as were women of religious orders. The input from these groups was a factor in the results of the Council's proceedings. In His opening address, Pope Paul stated his four main goals.

  (1) To raise the understanding of ourselves as the Church, including a precise definition of the nature of the Church as mystery. The first question he raises is the place of the bishops therein and their relationship to the papacy, which is the question known by the term collegiality.
(2) To reform the Church, especially the Liturgy, but not to turn the life of the Church upside down.
   (3) To bring together all Christians in unity. The pope calls the process of reestablishing Christian unity the council's "spiritual drama."
   (At this point he turns to the separated Christians seated within his sight and says to them, "If we are in any way to blame for this separation, we humbly beg God's forgiveness and ask pardon, too, of our brethren who feel they have been injured by us. For our part, we willingly forgive the injuries which the Catholic Church has suffered.")
(4) To engage in dialogue with the contemporary world. The pope says that the council fathers are no longer concerned with only their own limited affairs but rather with those of the world. The pope adds that the council fathers no longer want to conduct a dialogue among themselves, but rather to open one with the world. About this dialogue, he says, "we ought to be realists."

A very significant term, "separated Christians", is used by the Pope. He does not refer to them as schematics or heretics. This is a radical change in attitude for the church. 


My Church

This is not so much about St. Julie Billiart parish, but about the NEW Catholic Church. It may not seem new to my children and definitely not new to my grandchildren but it is no longer the same church that I grew up in and did not understand during that time. It is new and dedicated to Jesus as a result of the Vatican II council of bishops.

 Part 2
The Faithful Revolution:

Vatican II

The World of Grandpa Don 

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