The World of Grandpa Don


An icon is a graphic reference to something. We have them all over our computers where they are a reference to a game or application. They are not the game or application, but a reference to it, something that is easily recognized and associated with the thing it represents. We use it to get to the thing we want to use. So why is this on the "My Church" page?

Recently, two icons were placed on the walls at the entrance of our church. Our church building is very modern and somewhat unconventional. Modern Catholic churches tend to be devoid of religious art works and icons are usually associated with the churches of our Eastern brothers. I would have thought that an icon would have been totally out of place in this setting. I was wrong again!

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Jesus Christ Pantocrator
Virgin Mary Theotokes 

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A plaque located in the narthex identifies them and those in who's memory they were donated. The following was taken from our parish weekly bulletin:

Due to the generosity of Ken and Angie Fagarason, we have two new pieces of artwork that adorn our church. They are fashioned in the style of eastern icons and you will find them on the brick walls facing each other across from the baptismal font.

An icon is a small panel painting done on a piece of wood. The English word “icon” derives from the Greek ikona which literally means “image.” These paintings present an image of Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary or a saint.

The images found in icons are very stylistic—as opposed to realistic. The artist typically spends months or years in prayer before attempting to depict the image of Christ, Mary or a saint and this artistic endeavor, in the eastern Church, is considered a ministry.

We are fortunate to have two icons grace the inner entrance of our worship space. One icon depicts Mary as theotokos (mother of God). The other icon depicts Christ as pantocrator (sovereign or judge of the world). They greet us as we enter to celebrate and they send us forth at the end of the liturgy. They remind us that one purpose of worship is to form us as a holy people, so that we ourselves might bear the image of the invisible God to all the world.

Fr. Steve Lanza


My Church

This is not so much about St. Julie Billiart parish, but about the NEW Catholic Church. It may not seem new to my children and definitely not new to my grandchildren but it is no longer the same church that I grew up in and did not understand during that time. It is new and dedicated to Jesus as a result of the Vatican II council of bishops.


The World of Grandpa Don 

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