The World of Grandpa Don

This Be Our Creed

Each day let's do a golden deed,
Some kindness show to one in need;
Let's try to lend a helping hand,
A listening ear to understand.

Let's try to spread some sunshine where
We see a brother bent with care.
With loving thought and friendly smile
Let's strive to make each day worthwhile.

Let's try to cheer some lonely heart
With hope and gladness we impart.
Just little things can mean so much -
A card, a call to keep in touch.

May every kindness that we do
Reflect our Lord's love shining through.
If you and I will live this creed,
Each day to do a golden deed,

We can change sunny skies from gray,
Make flowers bloom along the way.
Let's try.... let's pray so we might say: 
"This be our creed" each passing day.

Beverly J. Anderson



Be More Kind than You Need to Be ...

You are invited to perform acts of kindness whenever the opportunity presents itself. Help to make this world a better place. Some examples are recorded on this page. I will add to them as they are brought to mind


This Be Our Creed

The World of Grandpa Don 

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