The World of Grandpa Don

Random Acts of Kindness

I once belonged to a web ring named "Random Acts of Kindness". They were a good group but I did not fit. Not that I do not believe in kindness. I push it all the time. It is just that their definition of Acts of Kindness is to spend some time each day placing cute little graphics in people's guest books. That is good because it makes people feel good. That's very nice but I don't have time for that and my definition of kindness is a little deeper. See the other articles on this page and throughout this web site.

As a result, I have changed the title of this page to "Be More Kind Than You Need to Be".  The change will avoid confusion with the RAOK group and better reflect my goals in making kindness a normal habit and not a random event.

Don Plefka 



Be More Kind than You Need to Be ...

You are invited to perform acts of kindness whenever the opportunity presents itself. Help to make this world a better place. Some examples are recorded on this page. I will add to them as they are brought to mind


Random Acts of Kindness

The World of Grandpa Don 

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