The World of Grandpa Don


Do something today to bring gladness
To someone whose pleasures are few
Do something to drive off sadness ---
Or cause someone's dream to come true.

Find time for a neighborly greeting
And time to delight and old friend;
Remember, - the years are fleeting 
 And life's latest day will soon end!

 Do something today that tomorrow 
Will prove to be really worthwhile;
Help someone to conquer sorrow
And greet the new dawn with a new smile --

For only through kindness and giving
Of service and friendship and cheer,
We learn the pure joy of living
And find Heaven's happiness here.

From a booklet of 
prayer and reflections.
Passionist Missionaries

Charity need not be about money and things, ...
It can simply be about Random Acts of Kindness




Be More Kind than You Need to Be ...

You are invited to perform acts of kindness whenever the opportunity presents itself. Help to make this world a better place. Some examples are recorded on this page. I will add to them as they are brought to mind



The World of Grandpa Don 

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