The World of Grandpa Don

In the Midst of Brokenness

In the reading from Isaiah today we hear “Strengthen the hands that are feeble....say to those whose hearts are frightened, Be strong, fear not, Here is your God.” And in the Gospel, that the blind will see, the lame will walk, and the deaf will hear.

Jesus preformed many miracles during his life, and we believe that Jesus is with us now. But how do we recognize him? What should we be looking for?

I recently experienced a powerful sign of God’s presence. My dad had just died, and the family was gathered in his hospital room. My youngest was having a very difficult time, and was out in the hall crying. A few minutes later when I went to check on her, I found her in the arms of a woman who described herself as a big, black lady in a purple tie-dyed dress who said she was my daughter’s adopted grandmother. 

She had ask my daughter why she was crying and then about her grandfather. She talked to her about the good life my dad must have had - a loving wife, 7 children and 20 grandchildren, living 81 years, and dying surrounded by family. She assured her that he was with God. She said that we are born so that we can live here a little while, and then go to be with God. But that our loved ones are always with us, and more importantly, that God is always with us. She hugged my daughter, teased her, and talked to her about God. She calmed her down, even getting her to smile, and she was able to join the family again. That was God’s work.

It was God’s grace working in that woman that made her approach my daughter. But she was open to that grace, and willing to be an instrument.

Are there times when we have we seen people who are sad or someone who needs help, and kept on walking? Are there other times when we are so pre-occupied with our own lives and concerns that we don’t even notice another’s pain.

Advent is a time to remember that we are waiting for the Lord to come again. But while we wait, let us be alert and watchful for opportunities to be instruments of God’s healing love.

Mary Alice Roth 
3rd Sunday of Advent, 2001

This is an article included in the St. Julie Billiart Parish Bulletin for the 3rd Sunday of Advent. It is a witness story, a true life experience of God working through people.  I believe it is a Christmas story because what that woman did is what Jesus came to teach us to do. She did not let race get in her way. She was not concerned that her religion might not be the same as that of  this sad little girl. She did what the Spirit moved her to do. God bless her.




In the Midst of Brokenness

Mary Alice Roth 
3rd Sunday of Advent, 2001

The World of Grandpa Don

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