The World of Grandpa Don


The Gospel according to Roseanne

(You have got to be kidding)

                 But first, let us think about the Gospel of John 20: 19 - 31.  In it, John tells us of the fearful group of disciples who are visited by the risen Jesus.  Jesus comforts them and tells them that they have supernatural powers.  There is the doubter, Thomas, who must see to believe. But he was not the only one. After all, the others believed because they were there to see on the first visit of Jesus.  And even after they saw Jesus, did they really believe that they had the Peace and the powers that Jesus conferred on them?  I don’t think so.  It isn’t until Pentecost that we see that they were able to go public with their beliefs.  They were fearful humans who did not understand their spirituality. 

                We have been taught that we have a soul.  Being raised with this kind of teaching leads us to believe that we are humans ... with a soul.  As such, we tend to put human concerns first and think about our soul on Sundays, or Christmas and Easter, or not  even then. Many of us do go to church but for reasons other than to nourish our spirits. Many of us, if aware of our spirituality, tend to hide it as if it is something of which to be ashamed. 

                In an episode of her sitcom in March, Roseanne discovers that money can’t buy the help her new, very premature, granddaughter needs to live. The chances for the baby’s survival are slim. When her daughter places the problem in the hands of God by having the extraordinary life support removed, Roseanne says: “We are not bodies with souls, we are souls with bodies.                 The writers of the skit have put our spirituality in the proper perspective:

 We are Spiritual beings who have human bodies.

                 Our bodies and our human lives have needs. But, these needs must be satisfied with the knowledge that it is our spirit which is immortal and that it’s care is of prime concern.   When we become aware of our spirituality and nourish it through prayer and good works, we find our fears greatly diminished and our ability to cope with human life greatly enhanced. Our spirituality directly effects our human state. Let us live it and let it shine through to the world.   

Don Plefka   


Church Bulletin Articles
Sunday Reflections

The members of the Liturgy Planning Ministry, meet before the major church seasons to discuss the "focus" of the season and how the liturgies can be used to bring the parishioners to a better understanding of the season. The members of this ministry include the pastor, liturgy staff members, music staff members, the head of the Art and Environment ministry, and several parishioners who have an interest and training of the subject. I am a member. One of the functions of a few of these members is to write articles for the parish weekly bulletin during these seasons. Articles that I have written are on this page. 

The Gospel according to Roseanne 

The World of Grandpa Don 

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