The World of Grandpa Don


The following is an excerpt from the Pastor's page of The St. Julie Billiart Weekly Bulletin for the weekend of 6/29/03. ... 
Thanks Fr. Steve for the kind words.

Parishioner Alert

Congratulations to one of our parishioners, Don Plefka, whose personal reflection on aspects of his life appears in a new book by Willard Scott entitled The Older the Fiddle, the Better the Tune (Hyperion, New York, 2003).

Don is the webmaster for our parish web site. I am very grateful to Don for keeping our website up to speed, with new and timely parish information. It is a joy to see him in print. The subtitle of Willard Scott’s new book is: “The Joys of Reaching a Certain Age.” Don, most assuredly, reflects on those joys—he exemplifies them in his ministry within this parish and in his life. Thanks, Don!


Authored by 
Don Plefka

Articles, Letters, Dreams and Such

A pat on the back.

The World of Grandpa Don 

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